Click “Sign up for free.”
Enter the email (this will be your account) and the password. Click “I agree to the Terms of Use” and “Privacy Policy”. After that, click “Create Account.”
Go to your inbox to confirm the account.
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Please make sure to activate your account through the link in your inbox. Please complete this action within 1 hour, or the link will expire.
Go to “Not Uploaded” page and click “Add”
Enter the Device ID on the back of CoTag
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You can add multiple devices by clicking the plus and minus icon.
You will now see the device shows on the page.
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Please complete editing before uploading data to the App.
Click the arrow and you can edit the shipment information and do configuration of the device.
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You can also selecti the check box and click “edit” to edit the device.
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Editing multiple devices by selecting all.